Most drinkable water distributed by the LTMUA comes from natural water-bearing layers deep underground known as aquifers. This groundwater is drawn from nine active wells which tap into the Cohansey, Raritan and Englishtown aquifers. These wells can range from 100 feet to 1,600 feet deep.
The Authority's water system consists of two water treatment plants, five water storage tanks and nine wells. The Authority's present service area is approximately 11 square miles, includes 85 miles of water mains and serves the major part of the eastern half of Lakewood Township.
Lakewood Township MUA uses a comprehensive SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system. This allows us to monitor in real time all of our wells, system controls and infrastructure. Our SCADA system follows guidelines from the Department of Homeland Security and is run on a private network with redundant operating terminals. Our SCADA system is fully automated and configurable.
Our dedicated operations staff is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to handle any emergencies that may arise. Their responsibilities include everything from reading meters to flushing hydrants to taking samples of the water from various locations.
2013 Consumer Confidence Report for Lakewood Township MUA
The Lakewood Township MUA is run by a board of commissioners, led by the Honorable Robert W. Singer, State Senator for the 30th Legislative District of New Jersey. The Commissioners meet on the first Tuesday of each month on the premises of the MUA.
For our Commissioners page, please click here.
For our key personnel page, please click here.
According to the 2010 United States Census, Lakewood is now the fastest growing municipality in the state of New Jersey.
We estimate conservatively that our customer base will increase by another 40 percent over the next 10 to 15 years.
Our goal at the Authority is to be able to provide a vital service to our customers in the most cost effective and efficient manner possible.
Construction has started on our new water treatment plant. This facility, which is slated to be completed in summer 2012, will feature state of art treatment processes, and will ultimately include the treatment of eight wells. The Authority has plans to bring 5 more wells online.
The Authority is committed to providing our customers with water that meets or exceeds all Federal and State requirements for drinking water. To ensure continued success, we are constantly working to maintain and improve our facilities. The following are several projects which we have recently undertaken in order to streamline our operations, upgrade our facilities, and meet the demands of our expanding customer base. Note that the Authority has procured financing for the vast majority of the money for these projects through the NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust. The term of the loans are for 20 years with some of the financing being provided interest free and some half market rate for the entire duration of the loan. Main Headquarters Expansion - 390 New Hampshire Ave.
Interior fit up and completion of Administration Building. Completed Fall 2010
Drilling of new Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Well #17. Completed Winter 2010
New water treatment facility, operations building, vehicle storage building, Cedar Bridge Raw Water Main, Wireless Local Area Network for complete SCADA integration of entire system. Completion Summer 2012
Automated Meter reading system
The Authority will be integrating its entire metering infrastructure with a fixed based antenna located at one of our water tanks. The Authority will also be replacing approximately 6,500 of its meters as part of the project with meters which are compatible with the fixed based system.
This system will allow us to remotely read all of our meters without sending any meter readers into the field except for regular repairs and maintenance. In addition to the increased revenues the Authority will receive from the new meters, the system will also allow us to read meters in real time and identify system leaks. Meters to be replaced and integrated into the fixed based system as part of the Authority's Capital Improvement Plan from 2011-2014. If financing is obtained from the NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust entire project will be completed by Winter 2012.
Airport Rd. Elevated Water Storage Tank
600,000 gallon elevated water storage tank at the corner of Airport Road and Oak Street located in the Lakewood Industrial Park. This tank will replace the Authority's existing tank at that location. Completion Summer 2011
In addition to the above stated projects the Authority also has plans over the next several years for the drilling of (4) new wells as well the development of a Geographical Information System (GIS).
The website of the United States Environmental Protection Agency is a comprehensive resource for information regarding health and the environment. Their website has information on everything from drinking water standards to water security to a virtual tour of a water treatment plant.